
Connecting Remote Workers and Entrepreneurs in Cape Verde

Welcome to CaboWork!

We are the digital platform that aims to connect startups, entrepreneurs, remote workers and digital nomads on Cape Verde. The archipelago consisting out of ten islands is the perfect destination for digital nomads and remote workers. In addition, the country has an interesting startup scene, and a growing digital and technological market.

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Why Cabo Verde?

Cabo Verde - the country of possibilities

Cape Verde, which is named Cabo Verde in Portuguese and in the creole language, is a country in West Africa with ten islands within the Atlantic Ocean, and all of them are full of possibilities. Also, it is no secret that within Cabo Verde there are numerous successful entrepreneurs owning their own businesses; or maybe even more than one. The variety of businesses they have and the scope of sectors is huge. Of course, a lot of them are related to tourism, but even though tourism contributes a large amount to the gross domestic product of the country, there are a lot of other business options on the archipelago as well.

Some Cape Verdeans even take the chance to study abroad, obtaining their degrees for example in Portugal and Great Britain, and then returning to their home country to implement the knowledge there, while starting their entrepreneurial journey.

Cabo Verde is also a perfect destination for digital nomads and remote workers. With the international flights from Europe, it only takes a few hours to reach Cape Verde. From some destinations, even direct flights are available. Cabo Verde is an all-year-round sunny destination that offers fascinating landscapes and great mobile network coverage at the same time. Yes, you read right: even in the seemingly remotest areas you will find your smartphone working. A great feature for all those considering working remotely from the archipelago.

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Cabo Verde Remote working program

The government realized these opportunities for Cabo Verde as well and is working on optimizing its remote working program. But even without a special digital nomad visa, you can – as a European citizen – enter Cape Verde for up to 30 days without any visa. Other visas for up to three or six months (depending on your country of origin) can be applied for at the Cape Verdean embassy of your home country. If you are neither Cape Verdean nor European, you have to check the visa regulations with the Cape Verdean embassy in your country.