Blue Wax wins Blue Hack 2022

Startup Blue Wax Wins the Hackathon Weekend on Sal Island

On November 6, the startup Blue Wax, founded by young Bob Lima, who was born on the island of São Vicente, won the three-day Hackathon (programming marathon) sponsored by Accelerator Labs and the United Nations Program for Development. At the event, which took place in Espargos, the theme covered the promotion of a sustainable sea economy (blue economy). 


The Blue Hack, a Hackathon for a Blue Economy and Nature-Based Solutions, was attended by several mentors, but also by advisors who passed on advice and teachings through a virtual platform.

According to Luís Frederico, consulter and enabler for the event, Blue Hack, a three-day marathon, served the main goal of helping micro companies and young entrepreneurs identify problems and the potential impact of their business ideas on Cape-Verdean society.


Water Sports
Water Sports and sea sustainability

Blue Wax, the winner of first place, is a startup that aims to raise awareness, provide information, and educate regarding seas and beach sports, aquatic rescue, and precautions to be taken while at the beach and at sea. They also strive to provide education on sea sustainability.

Through the creation of news media outlets and numerous events, Blue Wax intends to better the relationship between Cape-Verdeans and the sea and support economic development of a country where the sea outweighs the land. The small business won the first prize, a portable computer.

The award for second place went to a nautical sports school based on the island of Sal, more precisely on Praia Antonio Sousa—Filu Sur – which was founded by a young man from Santiago. Filomeno Carvalho, the founder of Filu Surf, was pleased with his runner-up result and with the knowledge acquired during the weekend.

Other than Filu Surf and the winner, Blue Wax, other innovative projects also took part in the Hackathon. Sal a Pente Fino is one such project, a movement to clean beaches which was created during the Pandemic. This movement challenges the community to get involved and clean the shores of Sal island for 24 hours straight, once a year. Usually, 40 volunteer groups work together on the same day.

A group of young fishermen also presented their business project, which is based on semi-artisanal fishing. To accomplish their dream, they need funds to acquire a suitable and well-equipped vessel.

Picture of CaboWork


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